Why Memorial Day?

Isn’t that a beautiful sight? That’s my back yard! My first memories of New England were it’s historic cemetaries and rock walls. On Memorial Day we, as a country, give thanks to those who have fought for our freedom. Many have given their all. We should do our best to be kind to one another to ensure their sacrifice is not in vain.

Before continuing, lets take a moment and mentally, or verbally, thank them.

We are free because of them.

Before continuing, lets take a longer moment and think of what is often ignored. The poor souls who are often women and children. The “Collateral Damage”, the term given to them by war. That term makes me sick to my stomach as it implies a lack of consideration and care. It should be criminal. No conflict is the same, but there is always the loss of innocent life. Recently, we have all seen tragedy unfold all over the world only furthering the loss.

Not their loss, but OUR loss. We are all humans with families, hopes, and dreams.

We are free because of them.

Fair Haven, Vermont

Our little town is a piece of Americana, as American as apple pie. We even have a POW memorial and a Memorial Day parade. It is always a big hit as you can tell in the kids smiles, especially London’s! It has an interesting history and coming here is like stepping into a time machine to a simpler time.

Historic West Street Cemetary

My house is surrounded by historic cemetaries which were here long before my Victorian era house. Some people would never buy a property next to a cemetary, but I love our neighbors! They are very quiet and quite inspirational. Lets dig a little deeper, shall we?

Jabez Hawkins

Jabez Hawkins Gravestone with flag

There are many vets buried here, but my favorite so far has been Mr. Jabez Hawkins. He served in the Revolutionary War and was a POW a whopping 4 times! This tiny, unassuming gravestone can be so inspirational without Jabez saying a word. I could only imagine what was going through his mind the 2nd or 3rd time he was caught. The 4th was probably a walk in the park! In all seriousness, it shows how both sides valued life, even if this is one instance.

Daniel Munger & his son Calvin

Daniel Munger & his son Calvin tombstones

I don’t know much about Daniel Munger here to be honest. He is buried next to his son who died about a year later in 1806. Calvin’s epitaph is strong and reads:

As you are now so once was I
But now I am in Eternity
As I am now so you must be
Prepare for death & follow me

Let’s prepare to the level that my children and your children will not know war like the veterans we are celebrating today.

Calvin Munger tombstone

We have enjoyed spending this Memorial Day at home as a family with the freedom to learn new things. Miles is trying to crack timed math challenges. Barbara even joined in on the competition! London picked up the harmonica and hasn’t put it down (yay youtube lessons). Emilie is advancing her marketing skills and I found a cool retro python challenge site as well. Give it a try at EXTERNAL LINK.

Memorial Day Memories 2023


Last year, we took the kids to Boston for Memorial Day. It was very special as we stayed on a houseboat in the Boston Harbor and had the perfect opportunity to teach the kids some history!

London driving houseboat

We had dinner in the JFK booth at The Union Oyster House, the best table in the house!

JFK booth

I highly recommend this place if you are ever in Boston. They have fantastic clam chowder, fresh lobsters, and oysters of course.

JFK booth

After living out our dreams on the houseboat, the next day we met up with our old friend Paul Revere. His path led us all to freedom and on that morning, our breakfast!

Paul Revere Statue